I've read too many comments from internet conservatives complaining about elitist Barack Obama never having worked a day in his life and owing his success to affirmative action. Barry Obama had more than a glimpse of real poverty and elitism when he lived in Indonesia. By fifth grade, young Barack Obama probably knew as much or more about the "real" world as the loudmouthed birthers and truthers who accuse him of being a pawn of the socialist Islamo fascist conspiracy.

Source: Dreams from My Father, by Barack Obama, p. 37
My stepfather Lolo said, "Guilt is a luxury only foreigners can afford. Like saying whatever pops into your head." Mother didn't know what it was like to lose everything, to wake up and feel her belly eating itself. She didn't know how crowded and treacherous the path to security could be. He was right, of course. She was a foreigner, middle-class and white and protected by her heredity whether she wanted protection or not. She could always leave if things got too messy. That possibility negated anything she might say to Lolo; it was the unreachable barrier between them. Dreams from My Father, p. 42